There are some big changes happening in the Miller family! We are...
Well, Orcutt to be exact. We are so excited! Matt took a job with an eCommerce company in San Luis Obispo, and we decided to move back where most of our family lives. He loves the company & I love the fact that I will be back where my family & best friend is! Ada keeps asking, "When are we going to live closer to Nonnie's house?" Soon, my dear, soon. That 3-hr. drive has worn on her the past 3 years :) We will miss our friends and ward here (come visit us please), and I am sure going to miss running on West Cliff!
It's crazy, because I received an opportunity a few months back to work a food truck event at Fresh & Easy in Lompoc. I thought, "Hey, why not. We have family there and can make a weekend out of it." Then I looked at Matt and said, "You're going to have a job interview that weekend." He hadn't applied anywhere down south yet, so he was like, "Okaaaaay." He applied with Shopatron in SLO, they interviewed him on the phone as we rode down to Lompoc (while I drove and fed the girls chocolate to keep them quiet), and then interviewed him in person on Tuesday morning!
The other change is that I am going to start posting everything over on Kara in the Kitchen. It's funny because I started the food blog to give the food its own space. But now I feel like I want to include more of me in the posts over there! The food and recipes will still be organized by category and searchable. I own the domain and I like blogging through WordPress more (even though it's a bit scary and I have to learn on my own through trial & error). I'll keep this blog up for the blogroll & memories, but I won't continue posting here.
We also sold our Volvo! It's the first car we bought & paid off together, and the car that we brought both of our babies home from the hospital in. A girl bought it for her mom to commute over the hill in. We thought that was really sweet :) Bye bye Volv!
Now, let the house hunting & packing begin!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Bobba's 80th Surprise Birthday Party!
Over Memorial Day weekend, my grandpa turned 80 years old. He is the most wonderful man, and his sweet wife had been planning on getting our WHOLE family together to surprise him for years!
It was tricky, with 20+ people who love to talk like we do, to keep it a secret.
We had a few slips...but luckily Bobba was none the wiser.
See his reaction in Sean's video below:
I love it! I love his hand out and the, "How did this all happen?!" at the end. He was completely surprised by the whole thing!
Devin & Liz were amazing and hosted every dinner and get-together in their beautiful home. We sat and ate, talked, laughed, and played games for hours.
We got to see our cousin Daniel, who had just returned home from his mission in Houston, TX. We were only missing two family members: Chris, who is serving a mission in Oklahoma and Jennie's husband, Phe who had to work. We missed them! Matt & KayLa's baby, Georgia Kay, was blessed on Sunday with all of the family there. It was so special!
Lindsay was behind all of the decor. She and Nana would go out to lunch and plan every detail of the big bash. She had black and white pictures of Bobba printed out and attached to the back of our dinner plates. It was all just perfect! See for yourself:
We decided that Nana LOVES the secret surprise! She would say things that were so close to giving it away with Bobba around and we'd all try SO hard not to ruin it...Nana is so clever and we all had to try and catch up.
After the big surprise, delicious dinner, and decadent Madonna Inn cakes, all of us sat around the table and passed around a collection of memories about Bobba. We had each been asked to share a story about Bobba, then sent it to Lindsay who printed them out and compiled them into a book. We each took turns reading someone else's memory, and needless to say, many tears were shed. Almost every memory about Melvin John Drake involved his lifelong commitment to service, hard work, and testimony of Jesus Christ. It was fun to hear Bobba's side of the story after certain more humorous memories, too :)
After that, all of the grandchildren sang Oh Susanna and Oh My Darling Clementine to Bobba. He had mentioned that those were his favorite old folk songs from growing up in Montana. Lindsay and I used to run away with our hands over our ears screaming, "Noooooo!" when he would sing to us as young children. He sang along with us, and we all realized what a depressing song Clementine is! Sean accompanied on guitar.
We later watched a slideshow of pictures of Bobba in his childhood, adulthood, early family years, as a grandpa, and great-grandpa. Mackenzie put it together and it was so fun to see! Bobba wanted to pause on every picture and give us all of the history behind it.
Devin had the genius idea to attach a tent to their sliding glass door that leads into their backyard. Since all of the furniture was moved for the tables, they put the sofas and chairs in the tent and it was our favorite hangout spot! Can you tell that Ada is in heaven with all of the attention from my cousins? :)
Beach day:
Treats & snoozin' for Uncle Dana! We have a lot in common...chattiness, left-handedness, two a's in our names, love of Dr. Pepper & fun to see him. Also he made me pee my pants when I was seven years old.
Sitting on the beach while my kids are entertained and loved by my awesome cousins?!
Tired little girl!
Ada loves her Uncle Sean :)
Lola was infatuated with baby Georgia! "A baby smaller than me?" she says!
It was a perfect weekend. I only wish that it could have lasted longer. I am so grateful that I was born into such a loving family, thanks to Mel & Alice Drake. Because of them we are all best friends, and when we get together - it is like no time has passed at all. This man just went through a quintuple bypass this year and has recovered incredibly. I've watched him fix plates of food to bring dinner to widows that he Home Teaches. I think he has been there to help at every move in the Santa Maria 3rd Ward, and has fixed countless cars of the family & things around our houses. All in his quiet, happy way. Love you Bobba!
Also, this happened. David vs. Matt.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Favorite Running Gear Giveaway Winners!
So apparently if your last name starts with the letter C, you are a lucky person with giveaways! Our winners are Michelle & Katey, two awesome girls that I know will put these items to good use.
Congratulations ladies!! Hope you enjoy the Yurbuds & Pro Compression socks as much as I do! You should have received an email from me, contact me if you didn't :)
Congratulations ladies!! Hope you enjoy the Yurbuds & Pro Compression socks as much as I do! You should have received an email from me, contact me if you didn't :)
Friday, June 28, 2013
Epic Summer Playdates

Our girls had never been in a row boat, so it was exciting and new to them! Lola wasn't a fan of the required life jacket for children, but with some coaxing from big sis - she kept it on the whole time.
I was amazed by their willingness to help row! It's a great upper body workout.
Ada took her rowing duties very seriously. They look so cute in those life jackets all squished up under their necks!
Lola was obsessed with splashing in the water! Matt's holding her little dress to keep her from falling in. Little daredevil.
The trees come all the way down to the water. Just gorgeous!
Always the sign of an epic day:Sweet Maggie from Mighty Girl posted here about her son, Henry's, 6th birthday party on her sister's farm! How fun would that be? Here is the video Hyundai made of the shindy. (We watched Lincoln last night, so parties are now shindies.) I want my sister to have a barn too, but Lindsay isn't quite the farm girl type. Maybe my little brother will have one someday, I could definitely see him with lots of dogs, goats, and chickens running around.
Here's to many more Epic Playdates to come this summer!!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Favorite Running Gear Giveaway!
I am SO excited about this giveaway!! Today I am giving away two of my favorite things and must-haves for running.
#1. Yurbuds!
I have ALWAYS had a problem with earbuds while running. They've always fallen out or hurt my ears. I've tried the ones that came with my iPhone, they hurt by the end of my run. I've bought those tiny ones with different sized rubber pieces that were supposed to never fall out. They fell out and hurt. Yurbuds are genius! The silicone doesn't hurt my ear, and they twist into your ears to lock.
These incredible earbuds will not fall out. I tested them during my half marathon and I was so sweaty. I thought for sure that I would have to adjust them at some point during the 13.1 miles, but I didn't! These bad boys stay put.
#2. Pro Compression Socks!
If you've seen my pics of me running, then you've probably noticed my favorite hot pink compression socks :) I originally ordered the calf sleeves, but they accidentally sent me the marathon sock. I was so bummed because my long Saturday run was coming up and I really wanted to wear them. I contacted Pro Compression and they said they'd send my original order out immediately, and to go ahead and keep the marathon socks. How cool is that?! And guess what? I ended up liking the socks more than the sleeves! So thank you, Pro Compression, for sending me them in the first place. And for being such an awesome company!
Compression socks help with circulation and recovery. I notice such a difference when I put them on. My high arches feel like they're getting a hug & my calves aren't as sore the next day. Love love love compression socks! Now I need to get the orange Ragnar ones for Napa in September :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
#1. Yurbuds!
I have ALWAYS had a problem with earbuds while running. They've always fallen out or hurt my ears. I've tried the ones that came with my iPhone, they hurt by the end of my run. I've bought those tiny ones with different sized rubber pieces that were supposed to never fall out. They fell out and hurt. Yurbuds are genius! The silicone doesn't hurt my ear, and they twist into your ears to lock.
These incredible earbuds will not fall out. I tested them during my half marathon and I was so sweaty. I thought for sure that I would have to adjust them at some point during the 13.1 miles, but I didn't! These bad boys stay put.
#2. Pro Compression Socks!
If you've seen my pics of me running, then you've probably noticed my favorite hot pink compression socks :) I originally ordered the calf sleeves, but they accidentally sent me the marathon sock. I was so bummed because my long Saturday run was coming up and I really wanted to wear them. I contacted Pro Compression and they said they'd send my original order out immediately, and to go ahead and keep the marathon socks. How cool is that?! And guess what? I ended up liking the socks more than the sleeves! So thank you, Pro Compression, for sending me them in the first place. And for being such an awesome company!
Compression socks help with circulation and recovery. I notice such a difference when I put them on. My high arches feel like they're getting a hug & my calves aren't as sore the next day. Love love love compression socks! Now I need to get the orange Ragnar ones for Napa in September :)
Giveaway time! Thank you to Yurbuds & Pro Compression for supplying these awesome products for my readers! Good luck :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The latest things that I've heard come out of my favorite 3 1/2-year-old's mouth!
I tucked her in for bed and said, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" She looked at me and said, "Bed bug? Does he have a pillow on his back?!"
Aquabats = Unclebats
Dentist = Toothbrush Man
Asking all of her favorite things before bedtime, I stopped because her eyes were getting heavy (and I was running out of ideas). She was an inch from my face and said, "Say more words."
She swallowed a candy whole at a Thai restaurant months ago and it got stuck in her throat. We went there again and she said, "I ate a candy here and I had a sickness."
While driving in the car, "I wish we could live by my boyfriend. My girlfriend is named Signie and my boyfriend is Kenno."
"Cap'n Walt has a plane and a car. Uncle Sean has a plane and a bus."
I tucked her in for bed and said, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" She looked at me and said, "Bed bug? Does he have a pillow on his back?!"
Aquabats = Unclebats
Dentist = Toothbrush Man
Asking all of her favorite things before bedtime, I stopped because her eyes were getting heavy (and I was running out of ideas). She was an inch from my face and said, "Say more words."
She swallowed a candy whole at a Thai restaurant months ago and it got stuck in her throat. We went there again and she said, "I ate a candy here and I had a sickness."
While driving in the car, "I wish we could live by my boyfriend. My girlfriend is named Signie and my boyfriend is Kenno."
"Cap'n Walt has a plane and a car. Uncle Sean has a plane and a bus."
"Mommy, my teddy bear's not real. And I really want to sleep with real people."
Friday, June 7, 2013
Lola is 22 Months Old!
My baby is almost two years old! She is still our little snuggle-love. So sweet and loving! She just said the word happy for the first time today, which is fitting for our happy girl.

Fun things about Lola at 22 months:
Everything has "eeeee" on the end. If something is hot: "Hottie!"

While handing you something, "Hee-ya-go!"

When I explain something to her, "Ohhhh!"
When she does something well, "YAY!" (with arms in the air)

Gah-go = gotta go
Cah-co = Costco

Favorite words: No & Mine (Myyyyyy!)
Has to have her favorite blanket and a stuffed animal to sleep with, "Elmo!" or her bunny from Auntie Linds. I lay her down, tuck her in, then she looks up and says, "Bye." This girl loves her sleep!
Has the cheekiest little smile I've ever seen on a toddler! So happy, cute little dimples, just the sweetest. Loves to be a monkey or owl, depending on which bath towel she gets:
Her favorite color is, "LELLOW!"
Loves her sister, "Dayda!"
Loves to chant her name, "LO-LA! LO-LA!"
Happy 22 months sweet girl! xoxo
Fun things about Lola at 22 months:
Everything has "eeeee" on the end. If something is hot: "Hottie!"

While handing you something, "Hee-ya-go!"

When I explain something to her, "Ohhhh!"
When she does something well, "YAY!" (with arms in the air)

Gah-go = gotta go
Cah-co = Costco

Favorite words: No & Mine (Myyyyyy!)
Has to have her favorite blanket and a stuffed animal to sleep with, "Elmo!" or her bunny from Auntie Linds. I lay her down, tuck her in, then she looks up and says, "Bye." This girl loves her sleep!
On Dora the Explorer, there is a mean fox named Swiper. You have to say, "Swiper no swiping!" Then he can't take whatever he was going to steal and says, "Aww man!" and runs away. This is Lola imitating him:
Has the cheekiest little smile I've ever seen on a toddler! So happy, cute little dimples, just the sweetest. Loves to be a monkey or owl, depending on which bath towel she gets:
Her favorite color is, "LELLOW!"
Loves her sister, "Dayda!"
Loves to chant her name, "LO-LA! LO-LA!"
Happy 22 months sweet girl! xoxo
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